Monday, April 21, 2008

Review of a political blog

The one political blog I picked was called Pam's House Blend...always steamin'!. The woman that runs it is called Pam who is African American, I think. She leans to the left. When I finally looked at the blog, I noticed that she has a new nephew (she had a picture with him in the upper left hand corner of the page). She deals with many issues, not only political, but many have a political lean. She dealt with how many people are marrying for Health Insurance. Also, she dealt with the issue of Washington University honoring a woman with a honorary doctorate who is an anti-feminism and also anti-gay. The advertising is geared towards women and some for African American women. There are many ads that clearly show that she is a liberal blogger. The blog won awards for many things, and it is listed as one of the best LGBT blogs. The people who comment are mostly women, and might be gay. However, there are some guys that comment.

I was attracted by this blog because of the simple color, and layout. I did not like the ads, but I understand that a professional blog needs it to stay afloat.

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