Monday, April 21, 2008

My Political Identity

My political identity is complicated. My parents talked politics at the dinner table, and we watched the news together, but they could not vote. However, they instilled in me that I should look at a candidates' policy instead of party affiliation. I grew up in the Bill Clinton era and my first real it for politics happen in 1996 when I made fake ballots and had a face off between Clinton and Dole, in which Clinton of course won. I really liked him when I was little (8 years old or so), he was very personable on camera. I kinda leaned towards democrats, but one situation altered that view. When Salisbury was running for Governor of Maryland I wanted her to win, even though she was Republican. I did not feel for the current Governor at the time, he always bothered me. When Ehrlich was running for Governor, I actually rooted for him. Baltimore is not a great place for great voting, cause incumbents just stay in their place unless they leave on their own.

I got to vote in the past Gubernatorial elections and local city elections. Now, I can vote on both policies and personality. I am registered under Independent, but in Maryland that just makes you miss the primary because of the closed elections.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I think the concept of a closed election is ridiculous, and it sucks you had to miss out on voting in the primaries. However, I do have to give you kudos for remaining Independent, knowing that it comes with a few sacrifices.