Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stepping on the Humor Scale.

It was fun, and quick. However, it did tell a lot about my current humor situation. At least I did not score super low to be called "a poor old gloomy thing". I did however score a 40. It told me, "If your total score is between 40 and 50, you use humor sometimes, but perhaps you could learn to let yourself go and enjoy more variety."

I know I should go out and have fun, but school sucks my soul away, lol. The score is broken further down into four sections. I scored the best on the Appreciation part (14), but the lowest on the Creativity and Performance part (6). The middle two, were Coping and Facilitation which were both 10. Each section had a huge paragraph telling me about what my score meant to me and humor. All I know is thank God I am not a complete downer.

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