Sunday, May 18, 2008

Well, it's over! My take on the blogs.

Here is my blog post in which I talk about what I have learned in the process of making my blogs. When I first started, I thought I would be able to complete the assigned blogs every week and be done before classes ended. However, as you can see, a couple of the blogs were completed after the end of classes. What happened?.....Classes and a rough semester! I did do better than some of the other people in my class : ) I mostly enjoyed the topics that I had to write about because it made me think about something other than Stargate, movies, and the next paper that was due. Without looking at the previous blog posts, I can say my favorites were the one that I had to write about IMDb, and the "Photo Finish" one. Writing a story from one picture was really refreshing, because I set the rules of the story and was not told what to do by anyone.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!

The commencement speech by Steve Jobs was very insightful. The quote at the end is definitely a slogan for the creative age that is before us. If people stay interested in the things they love and pursue it then the world will see some very unique ideas and products. Like he said, not until we look backwards do we see how our past shaped our future. I hope that in my future I can look back and see how my college education impacted my life. Just in this class, I made my first video published on Youtube, and kept an actual blog. Maybe "Ramblings of a Stargate Fan," will become famous...we will see.

One Vs. Many

So thinking about the groups I participate in on Facebook, I notice that I do not join groups that cater to social change. I have been invited to many groups that are bases for social change that have tons of members in them, like the one about animal torture and child abuse, but I never add them, I just let them stay in limbo on my request list. I don't know if I am really socially out there on Facebook. I mean I am apart of 81 groups and all of them are something off my entertainment or work related interests. However, I did join a group about Megan Williams and brought awareness to her situation then my other friends saw it and joined too. I have since left the group, but her awful rape still makes me cringe. Her plight should change some laws cause her case was being ignored. I also joined one of the many "free rice" groups, and I stayed in it for awhile and then left. I donated over a hundred bowls of rice. I feel for the Burmese and Tibet-China struggle, but not enough to join a group and stay in it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Picturing Myself at Ninety

Looking back at my life 70 years in the future, I think I would be well off. I pray that I am still married to my husband. We will live in a tiny cottage somewhere in New England. My three children will be living all over the world. I would have been the producer/CEO in my own film production company (I don't want to give the name away). I would have been a globe trotter, visiting all over-taking tons of photos and making films. I would be an active senior. However, I know I do not take good care of my body now, and I am short. I will shrink, making me shorter than I am already. I would have contributed to the Academy of Arts and Sciences. I would have made Oscar winning films. Hopefully I will have no regrets, because changing the past will change the future.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Death by Facebook or Evil People?

So, after reading about the girl who was killed because she had an on-line friendship with a boy, I think it is ridiculous that it happened. Although Facebook is a culturally geared towards freer restraints (American), it should not be blamed for a father's overzealous actions. I understand that girls should not have interaction with boys in that religion, but the boy is not really meeting the girl in person. I do I feel like things went to far, and under religion people can go too far. I can not really explain what I am feeling now about the topic, but it is pretty much disgust. The Internet is a place to detach from the physical personality and become someone else.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kids Rule, NOT!

I love the books premise, but the content is so-so. I feel like part of the book should be scanned into a computer and given as an on-line reading. I got the book for a small bit of money, but I feel like there are better books out there that deals with cable, networks, and the history of those topics. Do not get me wrong, the book has great points about Nickelodeon and how the cable industry became corrupt. All the books we have read have information that is very important for us to know media and the culture now. I just wish some of the books were sectioned, so we would not have to pay for extra stuff. Kids Rule first couple chapters are dense, and is a bore to read. The later chapters are really interesting and are great discussion points.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Googled Myself!

When I put in my name-"so and so- I really don't want to write it on here," I saw I had 83,300 hits. One surprising hit was for the UMBCretrevers donor list, where I'm under the Hilltop section, one to 100 dollars. I think this is when I gave the Sailing Club twenty dollars. A total of four hits were related to me in some way, from SEB and Tea Empire. I do not have any Googlegangers. My name/me Googles well, because I show up on the first page, and all the other gibberish is after that. Just doing my first or last name will produce anything from a town/university, an actress, food, or emperor.