Saturday, May 10, 2008

Picturing Myself at Ninety

Looking back at my life 70 years in the future, I think I would be well off. I pray that I am still married to my husband. We will live in a tiny cottage somewhere in New England. My three children will be living all over the world. I would have been the producer/CEO in my own film production company (I don't want to give the name away). I would have been a globe trotter, visiting all over-taking tons of photos and making films. I would be an active senior. However, I know I do not take good care of my body now, and I am short. I will shrink, making me shorter than I am already. I would have contributed to the Academy of Arts and Sciences. I would have made Oscar winning films. Hopefully I will have no regrets, because changing the past will change the future.

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