Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kids Rule, NOT!

I love the books premise, but the content is so-so. I feel like part of the book should be scanned into a computer and given as an on-line reading. I got the book for a small bit of money, but I feel like there are better books out there that deals with cable, networks, and the history of those topics. Do not get me wrong, the book has great points about Nickelodeon and how the cable industry became corrupt. All the books we have read have information that is very important for us to know media and the culture now. I just wish some of the books were sectioned, so we would not have to pay for extra stuff. Kids Rule first couple chapters are dense, and is a bore to read. The later chapters are really interesting and are great discussion points.

1 comment:

Molly said...

TOTALLY AGREE. The author stated the same things over and over again, and while the premise of the book was interesting and worthwhile, I do not have to read 200 pages of dense, poorly-written repetition. Scanning the first chapter would have been perfectly suitable.