Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Vs. Many

So thinking about the groups I participate in on Facebook, I notice that I do not join groups that cater to social change. I have been invited to many groups that are bases for social change that have tons of members in them, like the one about animal torture and child abuse, but I never add them, I just let them stay in limbo on my request list. I don't know if I am really socially out there on Facebook. I mean I am apart of 81 groups and all of them are something off my entertainment or work related interests. However, I did join a group about Megan Williams and brought awareness to her situation then my other friends saw it and joined too. I have since left the group, but her awful rape still makes me cringe. Her plight should change some laws cause her case was being ignored. I also joined one of the many "free rice" groups, and I stayed in it for awhile and then left. I donated over a hundred bowls of rice. I feel for the Burmese and Tibet-China struggle, but not enough to join a group and stay in it.

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